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.NET Application Development
A Comprehensive and Agile Solution Development Platform
USSPL is a proven competencies in custom software development solutions, data management solutions and mobility solutions. USSPL maintains strategic focus on and corporate commitment to the Microsoft .NET platform for product development — from building new software products to enhancing or migrating existing ones. USSPL has designed, developed and maintained a large number of rich internet applications, complex business applications as well as Windows applications by leveraging .net application development expertise.

In 2002, we established a .NET Center of Excellence (CoE). Since then, our team has amassed extensive knowledge and experience in .NET tools and languages, as well as .NET-based architectures, servers, and web services. USSPL’s offshore software development .NET CoE has the right mix of Microsoft certified developers, architects, designers, project managers and QA for .NET application development.
USSPL's Microsoft CoE can help you :
Design and develop scalable, secure and configurable .NET Desktop and Web applications
Modernize existing legacy applications using .NET Application Development framework
Migrate / Reengineer web and desktop applications to .NET
Develop distributed applications using .NET web services and SOAP
Develop .NET Mobile/PDA Applications
.NET Application Integration
.NET Application Maintenance and Enhancement
Presentation Technologies Web Applications: ASP.Net, ASP.Net AJAX, Classic ASP, Silverlight

Windows Applications: Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Windows Forms

Mobile Applications: Windows Mobile 6.1, ActiveSync, eMbedded Visual C++
Middle Tier Technologies .NET Remoting, .Net Web Services, Windows Communications Foundation (WCF)

Data Access ADO.Net, LINQ, USSPL Data Access Layer
Storage SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008
SQL Server Express Edition
Workflow Windows Workflow Foundation (WPF)
Reporting SQL Server Reporting Services
Collaboration Technologies Office Communications Server (OCS 2007)

Live Communications Server (LCS 2005)

Microsoft office Sharepoint Server (MOSS 2007)

Microsoft Office 2007
IDE Visual Studio 2003, Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio Team System (VSTS)
Framework .NET 1.1, .NET 2.0, .NET 3.5
Languages C, C++, VC++, C#, Visual basic, VB.Net, HTML, JavaScript, XML, XAML
We focus on control libraries, engineering tools and reusable software components to bring high-quality software applications to market faster and smarter.
Third Party Control Libraries Infragistics, Telerik, Dundas, Syncfusion, ComponentOne
Tools Daily Build & Integration: NAnt, MSBuild, TFS Build Framework

Configuration Management: VSS, CVS, Team Foundation Server

Testing & Defect Tracking: NUnit, TestDriven.Net, VSTS Testing Framework, BugZilla

Collaborative and Transparent Project Management: Microsoft Enterprise Project Manager (EPM)

Source Code Review: FXCop, VSTS Code Analysis

Code Automation: CodeSmith

eCommerce: AspdotNetStorefront
Reusable Components Library of 100+ pre-assembled reusable software components
The Power of the Faster .NET development Framework
US ERP has developed a proven process for delivering world class Microsoft-based development more quickly and efficiently—enabling our clients to enjoy tremendous value. Our offshore software development Faster.NET framework reduces typical application development time by about 20 to 40 percent.
.NET Agile Development Service
Accelerate Time to Market with Agile Methodology for .NET Software Development
US ERP Software helps customers introduce their products faster in the market in order to gain a competitive edge, by using Agile Methodology for .NET Software Development. USSPL Software employs adaptive best practices and several disciplined project management processes to facilitate streamlined results. USSPL Software Agile project teams focus on delivering working, tested and potentially shippable software on an incremental basis. Agile development is well suited for customers facing unpredictable or rapidly changing requirements.  USSPL Software utilizes SCRUM development methods for Agile software development which significantly increases productivity— and better serves today’s competitive requirements.
How it works
USSPL Software assembles a team of 3 – 10 experienced, cross-functional members that includes Scrum Master, Developers and Testers.
Product backlog (Feature Wish list) gets broken into release backlogs which get further broken into sprint backlog.
During each sprint cycle, which is typically 4 – 6 weeks long, team implements the features from the sprint backlog to create potentially marketable increment.
Each sprint follows full software development lifecycle.
Daily Scrum meetings are conducted to discuss the work done since last meeting, work planned till next scrum meeting and obstacles encountered in completing the work.
Lesson learned from each sprint gets applied to the next to make continuous process improvement.
Microsoft Team foundation server (TFS), VSS, CVS, Tortoise SVN for code repository and task assignment
Story Board tools
Collaborative and Transparent Project Management with Microsoft EPM
Cruisecontrol.NET  ( for continuous integrations )
TestDriven.NET for unit testing
CodeSmith for code refactoring
Improved customer satisfaction by incremental deliveries of working software
Enhanced Visibility into project progress
Provides Agility for addressing the need for frequently changing requirements
Accelerated time to market
Improved Risk Management Capabilities
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