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Extended Development Center
USSPL specializes in establishing and operating Extended Development Center (EDC) for its customer to augment their IT capabilities by providing access to talented professionals as well as our state-of-the-art software engineering facility.
Setting Up Your Development Team
Based on your unique industry, business, goals and capabilities, USSPL will assemble a team of required resources such as project managers, software programmers, architects, creative designers and QA team members that meet your needs at the time you need it. USSPL provides up to 4 hours of overlap time between EDC and customer project team for day to day interactions.

In short, EDC works as a virtual extension of your in-house team.
Get Project Visibility
When you entrust a project or process to a third party, you want absolute assurance that timing and budgetary goals will be met. USSPL provides a superior level of transparency into project progress and status—so you can be assured that the initiative is on track and quickly identify and mitigate any issues that may arise. Here is how we do it —
1. Transparent and Collaborative Project Management using Web based Microsoft EPM
2. Regular Progress Reports with Timesheets
3. Regular GoToMeeting Demo of work in progress
4. Frequent Releases
5. Agile Methodology
Communication is Key
USSPL uses a highly collaborative and transparent approach to project management. Despite time and language differences, we keep you informed at every step of your project, so you have confidence in what to expect and when. USSPL is highly accessible and responsive to your needs—combining regularly scheduled communication with frequent ad-hoc conversations by phone or online.
1. Instant Messaging Software & US based Phone numbers
2. Our Philosophy — Keep you informed at all times
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